2nd Donation Aftermath
It has almost been a full week since my last egg retrieval, and I'm glad to report that I did not have any problems this time. Other than the assumed soreness of my ovaries, life went on as normal. After today, I'll also be good enough to start exercising again.
I said before that I would try the Sudafed tip to make sure I didn't get OHSS. Well, I decided that I better not try it unless I'm for certain I'm getting it again. I didn't want to take it and then not know for sure whether it was the Sudafed that kept it away, or that it was never coming anyway. I did read the comment on my blog post from another reader that they did try it and was the only thing that seemed to bring them relief, so there's one person's testimony.
The last thing I want to mention is that I did fail to take care of myself in another aspect -- I was not doing a good job of taking a lot of fiber. It is one of the things recommended after a retrieval along with drinking lots of Gatorade. I should have gone shopping for some fruits and vegetables to snack on. The issue I had to deal with after both retrievals was constipation. I was able to have some relief this time around since I took some fiber tablets when I could remember, but it certainly wasn't enough. So, just be sure to eat your fruits and veggies during the retrieval, especially if you're traveling out of town and dieting on restaurant food the entire time.