I'm Feeling Better: Post Day 7
In my last post, I was having some major bloating issues. But that evening I took a laxative to help with the constipation (possibly caused from pain-reliever/anesthesia meds) and yesterday my waistline decreased slightly after my first bowel movement, enough to allow me to move again without feeling like I would pop. It was still hard to breathe yesterday - anytime I bent over or turned I felt like the wind had been knocked out of me.
This morning, my tummy is still bloated, but I can almost take a deep breath without problem. I feel like I've reached the peak and I'm already starting to descend. I'm feeling much better and I don't feel critical anymore. OHSS will completely go away by my upcoming period, and as long as it continues to go away from here, I'm much relieved and can finish riding this through.
I think by tomorrow, I'll even feel good enough to start exercising again! Hehe... I can't blame all of this big belly to bloating - I'm sure I gained a couple pounds from my time spent touring Boston (and its restaurants) during retrieval week. :)