Legal Agreement & Waiting...
Two weeks after my screening, I heard from my agency that I cleared all the tests and could continue with the donation. That's when I received my legal agreement between myself and the recipient couple, including how I would be reimbursed for travel and how my compensation would be distributed. I will receive $800 as a deposit once I start the injections, and the remainder of my compensation amount will be sent once I've completed the retrieval. I have to fly to the recipient's clinic, so my airfare, hotel, rental car, and meals will be reimbursed.
One thing that had me worried was that the clinic told me I needed to bring an adult with me who could take responsibility of me the day of the retrieval and keep me safe once I leave the clinic - and I didn't know yet that the companion's travel is also paid for. So, I was really excited to tell my husband that he could come with me and his flight was taken care of. The agreement also stated that the potential children this couple has as a result of my eggs are in no way mine, nor can the couple pose any responsibility on me if something happens to the child. Lastly, it stated that at this point, if I back out of the process, what the consequences would be - no worries, that's NOT going to happen!
My husband and I signed the agreement and mailed it off to the agency's attorney who is forwarding a copy to the recipient's attorney. I was told that the legal agreement was the last thing the couple needed to finish and that everything else has been taken care of - we can continue with the procedure now.
Right now, I'm still waiting to get my call from the clinic nurse to officially schedule which dates I need to be out there and when to start on the injections. It has been 3 weeks since I was originally told I should coordinate all this with the clinic, so with each day that passes, I'm getting more impatient wanting to start everything. My donor coordinator at the clinic even told me that I should expect a call by Friday this week, and now it's Saturday. I tell myself, "Monday has to be the day I'll get the call." I just want to confirm the dates so I know when to schedule my time off at work and set up the travel itinerary. I don't want the airfare prices to go up higher than they are because of all this waiting.
I'm just feeling a little impatient and hope that we can lock everything down early next week.